The Bishop of Fort Worth: What it truly means to ”˜remain Episcopal’

But my hopes were dashed when I discovered that this was not at all what the sender of the e-mail had in mind. Instead, the author and those he represents were quite clear that they want The Episcopal Church to change into something it has never been. They support all the changes that the revisionists have been making in our Church over the past 30 years and are eager for more. In reality, they favor updating The Episcopal Church to make it more acceptable to popular norms and contemporary times, rather than having it remain faithful to the historic faith and practice of the ancient catholic church. Instead of wanting to remain Episcopal, what they really want is to “remain under the authority of the General Convention church,” no matter what ”“ even when it violates the teachings of the Bible and happily changes the Biblical teaching on sexual morality. In our liturgy they want to get rid of those masculine images for God ”“ like Father and Lord and King ”“ and replace them with inclusive language images that revise the biblical revelation. Far from wanting to “Remain Episcopal” and to be loyal to the church we have known and loved and served over the ages, what they are striving for is a new, improved, and up-to-date version of The Episcopal Church.

The revisionists, like those represented by the e-mail I received, are clearly in control of this new Episcopal Church, and there seems little hope of reform. Not to be deterred nor turned back from their agenda, they are perfectly willing to sacrifice the church’s unity in order to achieve their goals.

Read it all.


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Episcopal Church (TEC), TEC Bishops, TEC Conflicts

5 comments on “The Bishop of Fort Worth: What it truly means to ”˜remain Episcopal’

  1. Chris Hathaway says:

    It’s just a little pinch of incense —— for now.

  2. dwstroudmd+ says:

    From all assault and crafts of the Devil, Good Lord, preserve us, that we may remain faithful and await the blessed hope of Thy return, being found faithful in Thy sight!

    Lord, have mercy, and hear our prayer!

  3. Bernini says:

    Bully for +Iker. May he continue to fight the good fight.

  4. Choir Stall says:

    815 to +Bishop Iker:
    “And we must sue and ruin you and yours to remain Christian.”

  5. Revamundo says:

    [i] Comment deleted. Any more of this tone will result in moderation. [/i]